"A conversation" is a motion graphics short film that illustrates the story of a father’s battle with mental illness and stigma.
The concept was to describe the main character’s depression using only basic shapes in a semi-realistic setting. In the research process, I interviewed both men with and without depression on their thoughts of the issue. In doing so, I observed the language they used in their conversations with me; this helped to formulate my script. "A conversation" depicts an internal struggle with depression, as well as, a deeply rooted stigma. Scroll down to see some of my process.
The process begins with sketching storyboard comps. In this stage, I was experimenting with different sequences and various ways to describe thoughts through shapes. I was also thinking of how the shapes would move on the screen and how the movement and transitions would depict the concept.To the right are some different shapes and patterns I played with, all made of circles.